Haematology & Oncology Treatment Unit


Modern equipment and facilities combined with the comfort of home


Our Mission

We believe in providing a friendly, conducive, pleasant, and peaceful environment for the safe administration of treatment for cancer patients and patients with blood disorders. With such a facility, many patients do not require admission for chemotherapy.

As cost of care increases due to medications and treatments which are expensive, we hope to be able to contain the costs by providing day care facility which minimizes admissions. This in turn allows patients to spend quality time at home and minimum time in the hospital.

The Haematology & Oncology Treatment Unit was established in 1998 with haematology services, and by the year 2000, the first unit with four recliners and a small drug reconstitution unit. The centre has since been expanded twice.

Patients with all types of cancer and blood disorders are treated in the unit. On average, more than 4,000 chemotherapy sessions have been given in a year. Autologous bone marrow transplants are also performed.

The unit now consists of a day care ward, consultation suite, a chemotherapy drug reconstitution unit and a ward on the 4th floor.

The day ward can accommodate 24 patients at the same time with 18 recliners and 6 beds. There is a treatment room and an apheresis room. The unit has been designed to ensure all patients are treated with ease, comfort and can be closely observed. There is a separate waiting room for paediatric patients to accommodate to their needs.

The consultation suite has 5 consultation clinics and a spacious comfortable reception/ waiting area.

The chemotherapy drug reconstitution unit is equipment for the safe and clean preparation of chemotherapy to be given to the patients.

The 26 bed ward will be able to provide a clean area, to minimize infection risks to all our patients in the ward. Relatives, caregivers and visitors will be screened. Visitors will be minimized for patients.

Common Conditions Treated in the Centre

  • Leukaemias
  • Breast Cancers
  • Colon & GIT Cancers
  • Lung Cancers
  • Gynaecological Cancers, especially Ovarian Cancer.


The Staff

Our trained oncology nurses have been handpicked to lead this new facility. With more than 10 years of oncology work experience between the nursing staff, they serve as the backbone of the unit.


The Operating Hours

Currently the facility is opened from Mondays to Saturdays.


The Cytotoxic Preparation

With the increase need to give powerful chemotherapy and provide safety to our staff and the environment besides safety to patients, a completely secure cytotoxic preparation cabinet with special airflow and filters been in operation in the unit since March 2000.


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