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Arthroplasty vs Arthroscopy

Arthroplasty and arthroscopy are common treatment modalities for orthopaedic conditions.


Arthroplasty is a surgical procedure to replace or reconstruct a damaged joint with an artificial joint (prosthesis) made of metal, ceramic, or plastic.

Your doctor may replace the whole joint (total joint replacement) or only the damaged portion of the joint (partial joint replacement).

It commonly involves the hip and knee joints. It may less commonly involve the ankle, elbow, or shoulder joints. 

Arthroplasty is recommended when other treatment options, such as medications and physiotherapy, have not provided relief of symptoms. The number of years a joint replacement lasts depends on many factors, including their lifestyle. A small percentage of people with replacement joints are at risk of developing an infection. Find out more about the steps you can take to help reduce the risk of prosthetic joint infection.


Arthroscopy is a type of keyhole surgical procedure used to diagnose and treat joint problems. It is commonly done for knee joints but can also be used for the ankle, hip, wrist, elbow, and shoulder joints. 

During the procedure, your orthopaedic surgeon will make several small incisions, and a tiny camera with light (an arthroscope) is inserted through the incisions to examine the inside of your joints. The images are presented on a screen, and an instrument is used to repair the joint if required.

Arthroscopy makes it possible for surgeons to diagnose and treat conditions such as ligament and meniscus tears in the knee, arthritis, rotator cuff tears, and carpal tunnel syndrome.

As the incisions made during arthroscopy are small, there may be a lower risk of infection with a faster healing time. Some may be able to return to normal activities more quickly.

Difference between arthroplasty and arthroscopy

  • Arthroplasty: A surgical procedure to restore joint function by replacing a damaged, worn, or diseased joint. 
  • Arthroscopy: A procedure performed with an arthroscope to diagnose and treat joint conditions. 

Make an appointment at Gleneagles Hospitals

To know more about arthroscopy and arthroplasty, speak to your doctor. The caring and multidisciplinary team of healthcare professionals are available for consultation and to provide the best care. 

Get in touch with us to book an appointment with an Orthopaedic specialist at Gleneagles Hospital today.

If you encounter a situation that requires medical attention, please seek immediate medical attention at the Accident and Emergency (A&E) department at your nearest Gleneagles Hospital.


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