Specialties & Packages
Medical Specialties & Procedures

Internal Medicine


Internal medicine offers a wide yet detailed program for disease prevention and treatment. Specialists in this field provide a full variety of care for anyone ranging from adolescence to the elderly. This includes periodic health checkups to appropriate screening for specific conditions such as hypertension and malignant tumors

Physicians in Gleneagles Hospitals

In Gleneagles, our accredited physicians are experienced and skilled in carrying out a variety of medical procedures for the diagnosis and treatment of problems affecting different body systems.

You may rest assured that your care is in good hands as our physicians are at the forefront of training, bringing together advanced care practices and outstanding outcomes to you.

Conditions That Require Internal Medicine

An internal medicine physicians or internists treat the following diseases:

• Diabetes melitus

• High blood pressure

• High cholesterol

• Sinus infections

• Allergies

Our Specialists

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