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Tinnitus: Causes, Symptoms & expert Care at Gleneagles Hospital


Tinnitus refers to the perception of sound without an external source. This means the sound is heard internally and not audible to others. Individuals who report a ringing sound in one or both of their ears, which is not caused by external stimuli, could be suffering from Tinnitus. This is also often a symptom of another condition like Presbycusis (hearing loss caused by old age) or trauma to the ear.

Tinnitus affects around 20% of the adult population and is quite common, often ranging from low roaring sounds to high pitched squealing. Though it can be annoying, it is usually not a serious problem and can be effectively treated.

Tinnitus Causes

Usually, it is a sign of hearing loss, which can range from the normal process of ageing or trauma to any part of the ear, including the cochlea. It is generally understood that when the cochlea stops sending signals to the brain, the brain might generate its own noise to compensate for the absence of normal sound signals.

Most conditions with Tinnitus occur due to:

  • Damage to the hearing nerves in the inner ear, which are the nerves responsible for acute hearing.
  • Exposure to excessively loud noises from clubs and concerts or from portable music devices can cause temporary or permanent tinnitus. This is considered the leading cause of tinnitus in young people and can often lead to hearing damage.
  • Other medical conditions, including Meniere’s disease, circulatory disorders, cancer, diabetes, overactive thyroid, head and neck injury, and allergy.
  • Underlying conditions, including middle ear infections, perforation of the eardrum, or middle ear fluid build-up.

Tinnitus Symptoms

Individuals suffering from Tinnitus often report:

  • Dizziness
  • Hearing loss
  • Ringing, roaring or buzzing sounds in one or both ears

Effective Treatments for Tinnitus

Gleneagles Hospitals offers various different treatment options for Tinnitus. The ENT specialist will first assess your condition in order to determine the root cause before proposing the most suitable course of treatment. These may include:

  • Medications to improve blood circulation to the cochlea, and to treat associated depression. These can include antibiotics, antidepressants, aspirin and anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • Reassurance, which might be enough, and no treatment is needed.
  • Relaxation exercises to manage muscles and circulation all over the body.
  • Use of hearing aids that can help reduce tinnitus while the hearing aid is being worn.
  • Using other competing sounds such as a ticking clock or running water in order to mask the ringing noise.

When to See a Doctor for Tinnitus

For some, tinnitus is a minor annoyance, but for others, it can significantly disrupt daily life. If tinnitus bothers you, it is important to consult your doctor

Make an appointment to see your doctor if:

  • You develop tinnitus after an upper respiratory infection (e.g., a cold) and it does not improve within a week.

See your doctor as soon as possible if:

  • You experience hearing loss or dizziness along with tinnitus.
  • Your tinnitus is causing anxiety or depression.

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