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Comprehensive Care: Anaesthesia and Critical Care


Anaesthesiology is the science of sedation by temporarily blocking the symptoms of pain. Anaesthesiologists, doctors trained in anaesthesia and preoperative medicine, ensure that the administration of anaesthesia is conducted in a safe and secure manner

This includes preoperative evaluation, consultation with the surgical team and creating a plan for the anaesthesia tailored to fit each unique individual patient, the provision of pain control and proper post-operative management of patients.

Anaesthesiological Services Include

General Anaesthesia

The patient is placed into a state of complete and controlled unconsciousness for the entire duration of the surgical operation.

Regional Anaesthesia

An injection of anaesthetic aimed at numbing a particular region of the patient's body is administered, allowing the patient to remain conscious but free from any feeling of pain. The patient may also request for a sedative if they wish.

Local Anaesthesia

An injection of local anaesthetic is administered to a smaller portion of the body, numbing it. The patient remains conscious and free from pain.

What does an Anesthesiologist do?

Anesthesiologists are fully trained medical doctors who specialize in the field of concocting and administering Anesthesia. Their work also extends before and after the operation in terms of pre- and post-surgical patient care.

During surgery, the anesthesiologist monitors the patient’s vital signs such as heart rate, blood pressure and body temperature among other vital signs. After successful surgery, anesthesiologist oversee the patient’s recovery and manages their pain as they awaken.

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