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Hepatitis (A,B,C)

There are many factors where the liver becomes inflamed and causes Hepatitis. It's a serious condition that can also be affected by chemicals, overuse of drugs, medications, and immune disorders. There are three types of Hepatitis, and they are Hepatitis A,B, and C which require specific target treatments because they spread differently.

Hepatitis A is the type that causes acute inflammation of the liver, it's signs and symptoms can last for more than a week before reaching full recovery. This leads to a lifelong immunity against the virus.

Hepatitis B is the most common infection to affect the liver. Those who have this condition and recovers from it will grow immunity against this infection. In some cases, a lifelong infection can occure which leads to serious complications that includes chronic hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, liver failure, and liver cancer.

Hepatitis C is the main factor for causing chronic liver disease globally, there is no cure and those who suffer form it will not have any immunity towards this virus. This brings prolonged liver damage throughout the years. This infection can lead to chronic Hepatitis Cirrhosis, Lver Failure and Liver Cancer.


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