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Heart Valve Repair / Replacement Surgery

There are four valves in your heart that act like doorways to manage blood flow between specific parts within the heart. Valve impairments can occur due to the congenital defects at birth or further on in life, affected by infections and degeneration. The affected valves can be fixed and replaced by going through Heart Valve Surgery.

Valve repair consists of repairing the affected valve without including articial parts. During the surgery, in the case of fixing the damaged valve shows no improvement, your surgeon will need to replace the valve.

Artificial valves made of plastic or metal can be used as a replacement to fix the damaged valve, or bioprosthetic valves that are made of biological material from animal tissue, also or an allograft valve (human valve tissue.

During the heart valve surgery, a careful incision is made, down the middle of the chest and the breastbone is separated. Your surgeon will determine whether this procedure or alternatively a less invasive key-hole surgery (which allows the valve fixing to be done through small incisions would be more suitable for you.

Why do you need Heart Valve Repair / Replacement Surgery?

Heart Valve Repair / Replacement Surgery is used to treat patients with Valvular Heart Disease. Your doctor will determine the condition of your heart valves, and the decision on the need for the heart valve surgery will be based upon your symptoms and test results. The repair of the aortic valve (the valve between the aorta and the left ventricle) is crucial if it is damaged. There is an increase risk of heart failure if there is a lack of oxygen within the blood supply transporting to the heart muscle.

If the heart valve surgery successfully foxes the damaged valve, the risk of infection decreases, and there is little need for blood thinners. The risk of you getting a stroke decreases and your heart muscle conserves more energy. Ultimately, your chances of survival improves. If damaged valves are left untreated, it can be fatal.


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