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Gastritis: Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Management Tips


Gastritis occurs when there is inflammation within the stomach lining that causes pain and discomfort. This may worsen combined with severe attacks that can last for days. Additionally, this can come with long-term nausea and loss of appetite. Gastritis can give more severe complications if it goes untreated.

Causes of Gastritis

Gastritis can arise from various sources, significantly impacting your stomach's health. Here are the main causes:

  • Helicobacter pylori Infection is a primary cause, leading to irritation and inflammation of the stomach lining.
  • Regular intake of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like ibuprofen and aspirin can contribute to the development of gastritis.
  • Drinking excessive amounts of alcohol can damage the stomach lining and lead to gastritis.
  • High stress levels, especially due to serious illness or post-surgery, can trigger this condition.
  • In some cases, gastritis is caused by an autoimmune response where the body's immune system attacks the stomach lining.

Symptoms of Gastritis

If you suspect you might have gastritis, it is important to recognise the common symptoms associated with this condition. Here is what to watch for:

  • Tummy pain: Discomfort or pain in the stomach area is a frequent indicator.
  • Indigestion: Difficulty digesting food can often occur with gastritis.
  • Feeling Full and Bloated: A sensation of being overly full or bloated even after small meals.
  • Nausea:An ongoing feeling of sickness or an urge to vomit.
  • Vomiting: Actual vomiting is a clear sign that the stomach lining may be inflamed.
  • Reduced appetite: Less desire to eat than usual.
  • Excessive gas: Increased burping and farting can also be symptoms of gastritis.

Recognising these symptoms early can lead to a quicker diagnosis and treatment plan.


To determine the cause of gastritis symptoms, your doctor may recommend several tests, including:

  • Breath test:To detect Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) bacteria, you will consume a special drink, and your breath will be analysed afterwards.
  • Stool test: A stool sample will be tested for signs of gastritis.
  • Blood test: This test checks for various markers that indicate gastritis.

You will receive instructions on how to prepare for the breath test about four weeks in advance.

Effective Treatments Options

The treatment for gastritis varies depending on the underlying cause:Breath test: To detect Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) bacteria, you will consume a special drink, and your breath will be analysed afterwards.

  • Stool test: A stool sample will be tested for signs of gastritis.
  • Blood test: This test checks for various markers that indicate gastritis.
  • Antibiotics: If your gastritis is caused by H. pylori infection, antibiotics may be prescribed to eradicate the bacteria.
  • Acid control medications: To prevent stomach acid from rising into the oesophagus and alleviate discomfort, medications such as antacids, proton pump inhibitors, or alginates might be recommended.
  • Medication review:Discuss with your doctor the possibility of discontinuing anti-inflammatory painkillers like ibuprofen or aspirin, which can aggravate gastritis, and explore alternative treatments.
  • Alcohol consumption: If alcohol is the cause, ceasing consumption can significantly improve symptoms.

Untreated gastritis can escalate, potentially leading to a stomach ulcer. If symptoms persist or worsen, or if gastritis causes severe symptoms, consult a general practitioner who may refer you to a gastroenterologist. The specialist may perform a gastroscopy to examine the inside of your stomach, providing a clear diagnosis and guiding further treatment.

Tips for Managing Gastritis and Relieving Symptoms

If you are experiencing mild indigestion from gastritis, several strategies can help alleviate your symptoms:

  • Reduce your intake of caffeinated beverages like tea, coffee, cola, and energy drinks, which can aggravate your stomach.
  • Use an extra pillow to raise your head and shoulders while sleeping. This helps prevent stomach acid from rising up your throat.
  • If you are overweight, losing weight can reduce the pressure on your stomach and help ease symptoms.
  • If you frequently use anti-inflammatory painkillers such as ibuprofen or aspirin, discuss with your doctor. These medications can worsen gastritis symptoms, and alternatives may be needed.

These adjustments can significantly improve your comfort and reduce gastritis symptoms.

Seeking Professional Help at Gleneagles Hospitals

For those struggling with persistent gastritis symptoms, professional medical advice is crucial. Gleneagles Hospitals offers comprehensive gastrointestinal services, where experienced specialists can provide personalised treatment plans. If home remedies are insufficient, consulting a healthcare provider at Gleneagles Hospitals can ensure you receive the appropriate care to manage and alleviate your gastritis effectively.


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