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Electrocardiogram (ECG) Test: Types, Preparation, and What to Expect


An electrocardiogram (ECG), also known as an EKG (from the German spelling of “elektrokardiogramm”), is a fast, safe, and painless test that records the heart’s electrical activity to help diagnose various heart conditions. This ECG test helps to determine symptoms of heart diseases and potential risks of cardiac enlargements. Essentially, it aids in assessing the heart’s rhythm and rate.

When Is Electrocardiogram (ECG) Needed 

Your doctor will recommend an electrocardiogram test to examine the heart’s rate and rhythm. The ECG test might also be ordered before your scheduled surgery to check the effects of pacemakers, or as a normal routine check-up after a cardiac surgery.

After obtaining the results, your doctor will be able to determine heart problems including irregular heartbeat, irregular blood flow to the heart muscle, cardiac birth defects, and heart valve disease. Essentially, these results will help your doctor to assess if a section of the heart is enlarged or is overworked.

Getting Ready for an Electrocardiogram

Preparing properly for an electrocardiogram (ECG) test can help ensure accurate results and a smoother process. Here are the steps you should follow:

  • Wear appropriate clothing: Choose a top that is easy to remove, as you will need to expose your chest for electrode placement.
  • Skip skin products: Avoid applying lotions, oils, or powders to your chest on the day of the test. These can interfere with the electrodes’ ability to stick and function correctly.
  • Manage your meals and caffeine intake: If you are scheduled for an exercise ECG (stress test), avoid heavy meals and caffeine prior to the test, as these can affect the outcome.
  • Prepare your skin: In some instances, particularly if you have significant chest hair, you may need to shave the area to ensure the electrodes make good contact with the skin.

Following these guidelines can help you feel prepared and comfortable while facilitating a successful and efficient testing session.

The Electrocardiogram (ECG) Procedure

An electrocardiogram (ECG) is a procedure carried out by a trained healthcare professional. 

Types of ECG Tests

ECG tests can be administered in several ways, depending on the purpose of the test and the patient's health condition:

  1. Resting ECG: This test is performed while you are lying down in a relaxed state.
  2. Holter Monitor (24-hour ECG): For this test, you wear a portable device that records your heart’s activity for 24 hours or longer, capturing data while you go about your daily activities.
  3. Stress ECG: Conducted while you exercise or after you are given medication that makes your heart work harder. This test helps assess how your heart handles increased workload.

Why You Might Need Different ECG Tests

The specific type of ECG recommended will depend on your symptoms and the condition being diagnosed or monitored. The doctor or specialist will discuss which type of ECG is appropriate for you and explain the reasons based on your medical needs.

Understanding these procedures can help you prepare for an ECG test and know what to expect during the examination.

Receiving Your Electrocardiogram (ECG) Results

You may receive your ECG results the same day, though complex tests like the Holter Monitor or stress ECG can take a few weeks. It is common to have a follow-up appointment to discuss the findings. Your specialist will explain your results and any further actions, including potential additional tests.

Schedule an Appointment at Gleneagles Hospitals

Understanding ECG tests is crucial for effective heart health management. At Gleneagles Hospitals, we provide the expertise and care you need to navigate your diagnostic journey confidently. Schedule a consultation with us today at your nearest Gleneagles Hospital if you have any questions or need clarification about your heart health and take the first step towards a healthier future.

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