

Neurosurgery concerns the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of nervous system disorders and diseases. The surgical aspect involves operations on the brain, spinal cords, peripheral nerves as well as extra-cranial cerebrovascular systems.

Gleneagles Hospitals provide a wide variety of neurosurgical treatment options. From benign to malignant tumours across various regions of the brain and spinal cord, our Neurosurgery specialist department also helps treat other conditions such as congenital cranial and spinal malformations, hydrocephalus causes in both adults and children, cerebrovascular disease as well as deep brain stimulation, intracranial bleeding and infarction

Types of Specialist Equipment

- Electroencephalography (EEG)

- Nerve conduction studies (NCS)


- Visual evoked potentials (VEP)

- Gamma Knife Robotic Surgery (Read more about Gamma Knife Robotic Surgery HERE)

Types of Conditions and Treatments

- Trauma to the brain and head (depressed skull fractures, intracranial hematomas)

- Spinal diseases such as herniated disc prolapse of the spine (cervical, dorsal and lumbar) and spinal canal stenosis, laminectomy and fixation, also pain treatment including epidural and facet joint injections and implantation of electrical devices for pain management

- Trauma of the spine including fractures and fixation

- Peripheral nerves treatment such as carpal tunnel syndrome, ulnar nerve neurolysis and nerve cut injuries with nerve transplantation

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