Health Screening

Comprehensive Health Screening and the Importance of Early Detection & Care

Health screenings are a very effective way to detect any disease or medical condition, even when there are no visible signs.

The advantage of early detection is that it gives excellent control over your health, propelling you to get the proper treatment at the right time.

Unfortunately, most people tend to seek medical attention only when not feeling well. There is a high chance for a disease to cause some damaging effects on the body by that time.

Regular health screenings help people identify any hidden health issues that might harm the body.

About Health Screening

A doctor conducting a health screening for a patient

In health screenings, medical tests are conducted to detect the possibility of diseases, disorders, or infections in an individual who may or may not be showing visible symptoms. The primary goal of health screening is to reduce the risk of illnesses or provide early treatment whenever applicable. Health screenings are not considered diagnostic tests but are used to identify the presence or absence of disease.

Some of the common tests are liver function, urine levels, sugar levels, blood pressure, cholesterol levels, etc. In some instances, specific tests also help individuals get screened for diabetes, cancers, bone conditions, and sexually transmitted diseases. As these screenings are conducted before the onset of visible symptoms, they are beneficial in detecting any hidden health issue at an early stage.

Benefits of Health Screenings

Health screenings undoubtedly come with a bucketload of benefits. Some of those include:

  • It helps the patient identify any risk or condition that he does not know about.
  • Early detection helps to manage the symptoms effectively and avoid complications. This increases the probability of a better health outcome.
  • If you have an ancestral history of stroke, diabetes, or heart disorder, health screening helps you prevent such problems with timely treatments.
  • As a person continues to age, he will be more and more susceptible to risk factors affecting his life. With early detection and treatment, he will have the best defence against those diseases.

Who Should Do a Health Screening?

Maintaining good health is imperative. Therefore, it is advisable that you conduct a health screening once a year if you are above 40 years old and once every two years or so if you are below 40 years old.

Make an Appointment for Health Screening at Gleneagles Hospitals

Regular health screenings help individuals be aware of their health and discover the issues their bodies are facing or are likely to have. It also helps choose the best preventive/treatment options.

At Gleneagles Hospitals Malaysia, we offer a wide range of screening programmes/packages that are specifically designed and can be customised based on every individual's needs.

For appointments, please contact the health screening centre minimum of 5 working days in advance. We are pleased to assist you in the selection of a health screening package that best suits your need. Additional test may be arranged upon request or on recommendation by our doctor.

Hospital Enquiries and Appointments Operational Hours
Gleneagles Hospital Kota Kinabalu Health Screening Centre: +6088 518 888
Appointment Line: +6088 518 810
WhatsApp (text only): +6017 979 8888
Email: [email protected]
Monday to Friday: 8.00 AM to 5.00 PM
Saturday: 8.00 AM to 12.00 PM
Sunday and Public Holidays: Closed
Gleneagles Hospital Kuala Lumpur Health Screening Centre: +603 4141 3282 or +603 4141 3381
WhatsApp (appointments only): +6012 285 5144
Email: [email protected]
Monday to Friday: 8.00 AM to 4.00 PM
Saturday: 8.00 AM to 1.00 PM
Sunday and Public Holidays: Closed
Gleneagles Hospital Medini Johor Health Screening Centre: +607 560 1064 or +607 560 1065
WhatsApp (appointments only): +6012 203 5238
Email: [email protected]
Monday to Friday: 8.30 AM to 5.00 PM
Saturday: 8.30 AM to 1.00 PM
Sunday and Public Holidays: Closed
Gleneagles Hospital Penang
Health Screening Centre: +604 222 9103
WhatsApp: +6016 498 9089
Email: [email protected]
Monday to Friday: 8.00 AM to 4.00 PM
Saturday: 8.00 AM to 1.00 PM
Sunday and Public Holidays: Closed
Health Screening PackagesHealth Screening Packages

Terms & Conditions apply

Preparation for Health Screening

Before the Appointment

  • Please fast for at least 8-10 hours prior to the appointment (consumption of plain water is allowed)
  • It is advisable to refrain from smoking or consumption of alcohol at least 8 hours prior to the appointment.
  • Antibiotics should not be taken for at least 8 hours prior to the appointment.
  • Postpone taking any routine morning medication (except anti-hypertensive drugs) unless advised by your physician until after blood investigation.
  • Ladies who are going for mammogram are advised to avoid using deodorant or talcum powder.
  • Schedule your health screening after 10 days from the first day of menstruation, if undergoing a pap smear.

Health Screening Essentials Things to Bring

  • Bring along appropriate shoes and comfortable attire if undergoing a stress test (treadmill)
  • Previous medical records (if any) especially X-rays, MRI, CT Scan from your last check up for comparison. Please bring along with you the results of any prior investigations conducted elsewhere.
  • Glasses (spectacles) for your vision test. Contact lenses will need to be removed prior to a vision test.
  • Please wear short-sleeved, loose-fitting blouse/shirt, slacks, or bermuda shorts. Should you have a pair of sports/running shoes, please bring them along if you are scheduled for a stress test.
  • Should you be on any medications, especially insulin injection, please inform one of the Health Screening coordinators before or on the day of health screening. Please bring the medication along and inform the Health Screening coordinators before the screening.

What to Expect During a Health Screening?

  • The duration of each health screening package varies. A health screening session typically takes approximately 4 to 5 hours to complete. It may take longer if extra tests are requested as add-ons, or if you are requested to undergo some extra tests by the doctor.
  • The exact time depends on many factors, such as the level of disease, the number of screenings scheduled, and the types of tests.

Review and Collection of Your Health Screening Report

  • Upon completion of your tests, you may request to collect your health screening report on the same day but subject to the availability of the attending doctor.
  • Or else, the Health Screening coordinator will arrange a date and/or time for you to collect your report and review your results with the doctor.

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