Rumah Sakit Gleneagles Penang
Layanan Kami
Fasilitas & Layanan
Ruang Operasi (termasuk tiga ruang operasi digital)

Ruang Operasi (termasuk tiga ruang operasi digital)

Cardiothoracic Surgery (Adults & Children)

The range of surgery offered includes complex neonatal and paediatric heart surgery for congenital heart diseases in children, coronary artery bypass graft (CABG or bypass surgery), heart valve repair and replacement, surgery on the aorta for aneurysm and dissection.

We also offer a wide range of lung surgery – lung resection for lung cancer, chest trauma, VATS (video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery or minimally-invasive lung surgery).

Ear, Nose & Throat Surgery

Septoplasty, turbinoplasty, limited rhinoplasty, artificial voice surgery (Blom-Singer valve), tracheal surgery, balloon sinuplasty and functional endoscopic sinus surgery, endolaryngeal microsurgery, tonsillectomy, adenoidectomy, parotid surgery, open reduction and internal fixation of all facial bones and mandibular fractures with plates and screws, trans-nasal pituitary surgery and correction of cerebrospinal fluid leaks, laryngectomy including partial and vertical hemilaryngectomy and various mastoid operations are offered.

General Surgery

Whole range of general surgical problems (thyroid, breast, hepatobiliary, pancreatic diseases, gastrointestinal tract diseases, coloproctological diseases etc.) as well as laparoscopic procedures like cholecystectomy, appendectomy, groin and abdominal wall hernias, colorectal resection for benign and malignant diseases, gastroesophageal anti-reflux surgery, splenectomy and stapled haemorrhoidectomy.

We also offer curative & palliative surgery for cancer of the thyroid, breast, testis, hepatobiliary pancreatic system and gastrointestinal system such as oesophageal, stomach, small bowel, colon, rectal and anal canal. Neoadjuvant & ‘sandwich’ therapy undertaken in liaison with the oncologist.

Obesity surgery (bariatric surgery) such as sleeve gastrectomy and gastric banding.

Gynaecological Cancer Surgery

Routine and radical surgery for gynaecological cancers including radical hysterectomy, radical vulvectomy and surgery for ovarian cancer and endometrial cancer. Complex surgery for benign conditions.

Assessment and treatment of pre-cancers including vulvoscopy, colposcopy and loop excision.

Gynaecological Surgery

Conventional and laparoscopic surgery for various gynaecological conditions like prolapsed fibroids, endometriosis and infertility.


Brain tumour, aneurysm, trauma, radiosurgery.
Spinal tumours, disc prolapse and instrumentation.


Vitreo-retinal, corneal, cataract and glaucoma surgeries.

Orthopaedic & Trauma Surgery

  • General & Advance Trauma Surgery
    • Fracture fixation with emphasis on minimally invasive surgery
    • Soft tissue reconstruction
  • Foot & Ankle Surgery
    • Ankle arthroscopy and tendinoscopy of the foot
    • Reconstructive ligament surgery
    • Reconstrucive surgery of forefoot (bunion and the lesser toes), midfoot, hindfoot and the ankle
    • Fracture care
    • Diabetic foot care
    • Orthotics and footwear prescriptions
    • Care for nails, corns, and callouses
  • Reconstructive Surgery
    • Joint replacement surgery including hip and knee
    • Bone conserving joint replacement e.g. surface replacement
    • Deformity correction surgery
    • Revision joint replacement with bone augmentation
  • Spinal Surgery
    • Scoliosis surgery
    • Disc Replacement surgery
    • Spinal fusion and disc surgery
    • Spine tumour surgery
  • Sports Surgery
    • Arthroscopic anterior and posterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
    • Arthroscopic meniscus repair
    • Cartilage repair including stem cell treatment
    • Arthroscopic shoulder reconstruction including labrum and rotator cuff repair
    • Arthroscopic surgery to ankle, wrist and elbow
  • Orthopaedic Oncology
    • Endoprosthesis replacement and limb salvage surgery
    • Benign tumours, malignant tumours, bone tumours, soft tissue tumours and metastatic

Hand Surgery & Reconstructive Microsurgery

  • Common Hand Conditions
    • Carpal tunnel syndrome
    • Cubital tunnel syndrome
    • Trigger fingers
    • De Quervain’s tenosynovitis
    • Ganglion cysts
    • Hand Infections
  • Hand and Wrist Arthritis
    • Hand tumours
    • Wrist Trauma & Disorders
    • Acute and chronic wrist pain
    • Distal radial fractures
    • Carpal bone fractures including scaphoid fracture
    • Wrist instability
  • Minimally Invasive Hand & Wrist Surgery
    • Wrist arthroscopy
    • Endoscopic carpal tunnel release
  • Hand Trauma
    • Reattachment of amputated fingers and hand
    • Fingertip injuries
    • Tendon, nerve and joint injuries
    • Hand fractures
  • Congenital Hand Anomalies
    • Polydactyly
    • Syndactyly
  • Reconstruction of Upper Limbs
    • Upper limb paralysis e.g. brachial plexus injuries, stroke
    • Microsurgical reconstruction of the upper limb e.g. flap surgery, toe transfer
    • Finger joint replacement surgery

Paediatric Surgery & Paediatric Urology

Neonatal surgery includes reconstruction of various gastrointestinal congenital anomalies like Hirschsprung’s disease, anorectal malformation and other oesophageal and intestinal anomalies, surgery of infancy and adolescence.

Complete spectrum of paediatric urology like circumcision, management of undescended testes, hypospadias, vesico-ureteric reflux, renal obstruction and urinary tract infection.

Urology Surgery

Covering all aspects of open and endourological surgeries for stone, urological malignancies, male infertility etc. with facilities for laser surgery for stone/ prostate.
Complex reconstructive urological surgery (Exstrophy, hypospadias, renal, bladder and ureteric surgery).


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