Hospital Of The Year In Malaysia

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Hospital Of The Year In Malaysia

Gleneagles Hospital Kuala Lumpur (GKL) is one of Malaysia’s premier private healthcare providers. A subsidiary of IHH Healthcare, GKL has earned accreditation from both the Malaysian Society for Quality in Health (MSQH) and the Joint Commission International (JCI). Despite a challenging year, GKL has demonstrated resilience and continued to provide service excellence.

“It’s a humbling experience to win this award, and we are honoured by this recognition particularly as we weathered many obstacles with COVID-19, numerous movement control orders, and continued strains on the healthcare industry in 2021,” said Ms Hoo Ling Lee, CEO of GKL.

A Patient-centric Hospital: Thriving Through Obstacles

GKL’s growth has been on an upward trend despite a turbulent in 2021, recording healthy growth last year according to the latest data. “This growth was made possible by the outstanding work our staff has done in the areas of Clinical Excellence, Service Excellence, the introduction of new services and continuous growth in capital expenditure and technology,” said Ms Hoo.

Introducing New Services, Continued Clinical & Service Excellence

We believe that new medical technologies are crucial for continued patient care. Thus, in 2021, we introduced a range of new technologies and procedures in our Cardiology Department, including Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Imaging and the Cardiac CT Coronary Angiogram.

Another proud achievement is our clinical pathways, also known as Value Driven Outcome (VDO) initiatives, which track a patient’s clinical outcomes from pre-procedure and intra-procedure to post-procedure. There are a total of 50 clinical indicators in the Departments of Gastroenterology, Cardiology, Orthopaedics, Obstetrics, and Gynaecology that are tracked and benchmarked against world-class standards. Our commitment to service excellence with the 5-Ups Service module is also a pivotal component to maintaining our standards as we believe the human touch has the ability to heal.

Best Hospital in Malaysia


Digitalisation & Mobile Health

The pandemic brought about an acceleration in digitalization which has proven to be a valuable element in healthcare, particularly during movement restrictions. We launched our e-Health platform at the height of the pandemic in 2020 and have continued upgrading it to ensure our patients can virtually connect with their specialists without leaving their homes. Our MyHealth360 Mobile App was also designed for patients to take charge of their healthcare, allowing their hospital experience to be seamless and efficient.

“We also began implementing Computerised Physician Order Entry (CPOE) as another layer for patient safety which includes improving efficiency in the ordering process and reducing human errors. The Imaging, Rehabilitation, and Pharmacy Departments were the first to roll out the programme and have reported improved operational efficiency and patient care delivery.

Quality Care & Social Responsibility Despite The Pandemic

Throughout the pandemic, GKL helped ease pressure on the Malaysian public healthcare system by accepting non COVID-19 patients from government facilities.

We also collaborated with the Malaysia Healthcare Travel Council (MHTC) to ensure medical tourists could visit our hospital and receive treatment despite border closures. Across all IHH Healthcare Malaysia hospitals, GKL recorded the highest number of medical tourists from Indonesia in 2021, with the most popular treatment sought being in Paediatric, Cardiology and Oncology.

As a responsible organization, GKL has initiated a number of food waste management initiatives, such as diverting food waste from landfills, converting it to compost/biodiesel, and then channelling it to the correct agencies. “With the proper planning and mutual cooperation from both patients and staff, we can reduce food waste while still providing quality service,” concluded Ms Hoo. 


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